Thursday, April 28, 2005

Homeward bound

view from the back row of an SBS bus

Had to take a bus back to my parents' home for dinner yesterday evening. I'd gotten so used to driving to and from work that the thought of squeezing in with the rush hour crowd made me cringe in apprehension, but somehow I managed to grab the middle seat along the back row. With my legs stretched out along the walkway, the ride turned out to be pretty comfy, and the bus made good time.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just one of the many irrational car buyers in Singapore. After all, why spend so much money on a set of wheels when we've got such an efficient public transport system? But rush hour traffic tells the real tale - we've got lots of cars!

In a nation where cars are disproportionately expensive relative to other countries, it seems sardonic yet logical that cars in Singapore look so sparkly-clean. After all, aren't we always touted as the clean country? Maybe it's just me, but almost all of the shiny cars I saw on the road trip to Malacca last week had Singaporean license plates on 'em.

Blah. Better stop ranting on about cars before I start up on another long stretch about daily encounters with annoying drivers (yet another reason to take public transport - no drive, no worries!).


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