Thursday, August 19, 2004

More snaps

Had a rare opportunity for a daytime walk earlier this week, and here's what I saw.

bright yellow crane in construction site
Colours of construction
Cropped a little, resized, and used unsharp mask slightly (15%, 3px radius, 2 level threshold), but otherwise left this shot untouched. I'm amazed by the naturally saturated colours; was lucky that the sun was on my side.

cat looking up from foot of short metal stairs
Cat's stare
This orange tabby stared up at me from across the stairs. Tensed for flight, it kept a cautious lookout until I moved away, never allowing me to get closer. Auto-contrast, resized, USM.

cat sitting on the wall and behind a fence
This cat lay on top of the wall, purr-fectly relaxed, unconcerned and unamused by my pseudo-stalking antics with the other cat on the stairs. Resized, USM.

weather vane on top of a chimney chute hood
All-weather cock
Weather vane, wind vane, weather cock, whatever. Deprived of wind to point against, this gangly rooster stared rigidly towards the sun instead. Resized, USM, saturation +30.

creeper(?) plant growing against a wall, inside a metal rack/frame
Growing out of the box
Was amused to find this metal frame nicely framing, as it were, a fairly leafy plant. Photoshop processes: resized, added Hue/Saturation adjustment layer with blending mode "Overlay" at 50%, and shifted the Hue setting (+30) on the layer until I liked the effect. Original resized version here. Really didn't expect to get results from this one, but hey.

Picked up my new 35mm f/2 lens from kenghor this evening. Going to put it through some street testing in the next few weeks to see if I like it.


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