Some just don't get it
* LuSeR [~aaa@luserhost] has joined channel
02:05PM <LuSeR> hi
02:07PM <LuSeR> can anyone here hear the song that i am playing??
02:07PM <op> why would anyone be bothered
02:07PM <op> lol
02:08PM <LuSeR> op - pls dun talk this way
02:08PM <op> i bo eng to talk to u le
02:08PM <op> me goin for my spa
02:08PM <op> tata !
* op is now known as op_Out
02:08PM <LuSeR> go spa hope your body get burn and die
* mode/#channel [+b *!*luserhost.*] by Q
* LuSeR was kicked off channel by Q (i dun need U to curse me so kindly fark off (from op_Out))
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