Sunday, July 24, 2005

Random rants

On reckless roadsters:

There's this yellow Lambo with a single-digit 7 plate that frequents the stretch of ECP between Marine Parade and the Bayshore exit, whose driving ego justifies the typical bloody-rich-bugger-thinks-hes-the-king-of-the-road response from lesser drivers such as we. I had the extreme displeasure of having to brake hard for him as he cut into my lane without warning, several times; irate as he straddled both my lane and the next, blocking everyone else behind him; fuming as he tore along the road shoulder, engine screaming, to overtake a red Japanese car that had dared filter across his hundred-metre-long lane presence.

Obviously, the daft sod couldn't afford to install signal lamps after working out the cost of his jet fuel.

On pathetic produce:

We used to like the pies from Don's, Your Personal Pie Club, but the Shepherd's that we had today was downright awful. Over-spiced and over-potatoed, the filling was so peppery that I gave up after the second taste and dumped the whole pie. Granted that it was purchased on Friday and oven reheated today, but two days don't turn a pie into a pepper pot. At least their quarter Chicken pie was decent.

J's Shepherd's are soooo much better, her pies keep for at least a week in the fridge and still turn out nice after reheating. Can't beat the homemade stuff.

On draggy downloads:

Had to set up the in-law's printer this morning, and the driver download from HP was crawling at a mere 2.4K/s. It took an age to download a 5+ megabyte driver, during which my brother-in-law stepped out to buy lunch, and had already returned by the time the installation was done.

And here I am now, staring at the 39-megabyte HP Inkjet installer download for OSX that's been going on for the past three hours and has one whole hour left to go. F'ggin' A.


At 29/7/05 12:12 PM, Blogger Mikesh said...

Where can I get J' Shepherd Pies? And yes, Don's Pie Club is uneven quality wise..there are some bad ones, but mostly good.

Btw, great photography!

At 29/7/05 1:35 PM, Blogger varf said...

thanks for the compliment! unfortunately, J only makes her pies in our home when she feels like it - they're not for sale (yet?) :)

At 1/6/06 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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