Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

merry christmas!
Originally uploaded by varf.
A mostly quiet affair this year.

Caught the cold last week, and quickly followed it up with a rather nasty cough on X'mas eve. Still on medication now, which can't be much of a good thing.

Ethan's been fairly cooperative lately, settling into a somewhat regular sleep pattern at night. J and I have been taking turns falling sick, and it's a small wonder that he's managed to not catch any of our respective ailments. Atta boy!

I've been uploading Ethan's photos in bits and bursts, and I've managed to catch up to photos taken about a week ago. But the next stretch looks like it'll take some time - I just dumped 300 shots from my CF card, taken over the past week and during Christmas. Selecting photos for processing and upload is the most time-consuming part of it; I just can't seem to find sufficient trenches of free time at home. :|


At 26/2/06 11:17 AM, Blogger Piyo said...

I love your restaurant reviews!! *loyal fan* do blog more!!

At 10/3/06 12:22 AM, Blogger varf said...

thanks for the support! doing a review takes a good chunk of time, and recently it's a bit difficult to find long stretches of free time. but i'll try to keep it going :)


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