Thursday, March 04, 2004

Some days just don't belong to you

The weather has been playing tricks on me today.

Earlier on, the air was still as a glacier and the sky was overcast. I'd set up the clothes rack and laundry-pole stand anyway, since we're trying to avoid chalking up a hefty bill on the dryer. Clothes went up, were pegged, and I went back to my desk to get some work done.

A little while later, the wind began to pick up, and the clouds grew thicker. Thunder rolled in the distance. It rolled a six. Feeling moisture in the increasingly strong breeze, I feared the worst, and relocated the racks and laundry to the living room, and got prepared to shut all of the windows if the rain hit.

It didn't.

Instead, the wind died down and the sky started to clear. Several streams of sunlight perforated the cloud cover, illuminating the ex-laundry area with brilliance and warmth. Not wanting to miss this chance, I hastily moved all of the laundry back outside again, struggling with the poles while getting the pole-stands in place. I'm such a sucker for punishment, aren't I?

The minute I finished setting up again, the breeze kicked up, and I became aware of yet another menacing cloud build-up.

sky, overcast

I'd had enough. I decided to leave everything as it was until it actually rained. So I went back to my desk and started recording the events of the day in this blog.

Halfway through the html for the above image, though, I realized that the drippity-drip sound that I'd been hearing in the background, for a while now, couldn't possibly be the estate's water feature. Not when the same sound was drifting in from the window behind me.

rain, feel it on the window pane

Buggerit, millennium hand and shrimp!

Everything is now back in the living room. The clothes rack and pole stand have been set up and are being blown at by an electric fan. The windows are all shut. And, naturally, the rain has since stopped.

Looks like the dryer is going to see quite a bit of use tonight. :(


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