Friday, September 24, 2004

Wedding season

Chinese weddings in Singapore are wondrous and strange. And that's coming from someone who's already held one. Practically template-ized right from start to finish, kind of like an ad-lib game - fill in names, nouns and verbs, and you're ready to go. In a nutshell anyway.

At last night's wedding banquet, J noted that we had five more weddings to attend up to Jan 12, 2005. But that's not so bad - one or two years ago, I had to attend seven weddings in the span of one month, out of which three were scheduled over a single weekend.

To quote the old adage, when it rains, it pours!

Here's a photo from last night's wedding:

champagne glasses arranged in pyramid
The Toastmaster's Tool

Congratulations to A&J, enjoy your honeymoon!


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