A good start to the new year
It's been fairly annoying over the last two weeks, apparent recovery followed by bouts of body weakness and general discomfort in the gut. But the last traces of diarrhoea have vanished, and for that I'm glad.
My family is, as far as I know, unaffected by the tsunami disaster, and for that I'm thankful.
I managed to clear most of the heavy lifting at work in the last two weeks as well, despite being sick and on MC almost half the time, so for that I'm relieved.
Over the past month I've lost five kilograms in weight; two before the ordeal started and three during, so I've got some catching up to do now that my stomach has recovered. Easy does it, though.
I stopped updating my PaD and blog for the last couple of days while trying to get complete rest. It's time to catch up on those too, hence today's post. Omataseitashimashita! (Sorry to keep you waiting!)
(By the way, Vetinari was definitely the Patrician in Guards! Guards!. This comment is for d.)
Time to go. Ja ne.
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