Wednesday, January 21, 2004

An apology

To the dude with family in the black car that I threw a hand at (nothing obscene, but definitely impolite) earlier this evening, Wednesday, 21st Jan 2004, near Eastwood Centre - I'm sorry.

Yes, my wife stopped our car right before the junction to pick me up, and with the whole string of cars parked on the other side of the two-lane street it would have been a dangerous prospect to get around. Yes, you were right to sound your horn at us for obstructing your path. And yes, you could have been a lot more patient.

But patience aside, yes, I acted like a moron. I was boiling mad at the time, and I'm feeling really wretched right now for bringing my anger into your life and spoiling your day. You didn't deserve that.

I know this whole thing sounds really cheesy and lame, and reading it (if that ever happens) probably won't make the driver feel better, but I mean it.


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